Main Principle

Happy Kids International School, as a multifaceted educational institution, is founded upon the principle that each child possesses the inherent right to receive a high-caliber education.

Primary Objective

Our primary objective is to foster the development of critical thinking, effective communication, collaborative skills, creativity, emotional intelligence, resilience, wisdom, and self-expression among our students.

Our Mission

Our overarching mission is to equip every child with the necessary tools to actively engage in global societies, thereby enabling them to make significant contributions to the world. We aspire to nurture future leaders who possess unwavering confidence and embrace their roles as responsible global citizens within their communities and the world at large.

Our Certificates

Over the course of nine years, we have acquired expertise in modern technologies and their implementation for working with children. Presently, our school stands resolutely, offering Montenegrin state certificates and Cambridge certificates to our students. Our institution boasts a substantial team of International teachers who are experts of their core subject. If you seek a solid foundation and a quality education for your child, consider enrolling them in our trilingual school — the ultimate opportunity.


At Happy Kids International Schoolum, we take pride in our internationally qualified team of teachers from around the world. They undergo continuous training to excel in their core subjects, ensuring that students receive an effective, interactive, and enjoyable learning experience in a unique multicultural environment.


Happy Kids International Schoolum offers a world-class education based on a blended curriculum of the national curriculum and Cambridge syllabus. Students embark on an educational journey where English and Montenegrin are their primary languages, while Russian serves as a second foreign language. Additionally, we provide a range of courses in German and Ukrainian languages, choreography, chess school, drawing, and singing. Our extracurricular activities are designed to foster creativity, physical fitness, and diverse skill sets. We also offer a Summer Fun activity program that aims to nurture children’s emotional, social, intellectual, and physical development.


Happy Kids International Schoolum is a proud member of the European Council of International Schools. By being part of this prestigious organization, our students gain access to a learning opportunity that is guided and supported by globally recognized institutions in Europe. This opens doors for international qualifications for every student.

Parent Feedback

Parents choose our school for its modern and friendly environment, with a holistic approach that helps learners develop their social skills and independent thinking. We encourage each student to explore their learning potential, providing a supportive atmosphere for growth.

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